SAP Business One Recap 2012, Looking forward 2013

Early this year SAP Business One 8.82 was released as the successor release of SAP Business One 8.81. 8.82 is the last minor release in the SAP Business One 8.8 release family, and the year 2012 is also being concluded with this version. Early this year SAP Business One 8.82 went on Ramp-up and then became Generally Available (GA) since Feb 28. So, overall this year was a year of SAP Business One 8.82.

Following were the key highlights of the SAP Business One 8.82 minor release:

There were fifteen enhancements  around “Business logic” as follows –

  1. Automatic Account Allocation Reconciliation
  2. Closing of Goods Receipt PO / Goods Return
  3. Serial Number Allocations
  4. Credit Memo without effect on Inventory
  5. Credit Memo for Reserved Invoice
  6. Payment Wizard
  7. Dunning Interest Posting
  8. Campaign Management
  9. Employee Master Data
  10. Activities
  11. Calendar ~ Service Calls & Tasks
  12. Pick and Pack
  13. Make to Order
  14. Blanket Agreement
  15. MRP

There were nine enhancements around “Cross topics” as follows –

  1. Express Configuration
  2. Solution Packager
  3. Upgrade Process Enhancements
  4. Life Cycle Management
  5. Master Data Cleanup Wizard
  6. Dashboard Enhancements
  7. Cockpit Enhancements
  8. SAP Crystal Reports ~ Multi Language & Multi Database
  9. SAP Crystal Reports ~ Reporting & Layout Management

There were four enhancements around “Additional functional & technical” as follows –

  1. Bank Statement Processing (BSP)
  2. Country Specific Enhancements
  3. Additional Functional Enhancements
  4. SDK Enhancements

We also saw a lot of movements on the initiatives to make SAP Business One OnDemand available. HANA, the buzzword in SAP Eco system, saw its first application on SAP Business One, showcasing analytics powered by SAP HANA on ramp up since Feb 28.  SAP Business One version for SAP HANA went on ramp later in the year on 25th September 2012. For HANA the year is being concluded with the release of SAP HANA® Platform Edition 1.0 – 32 Bit (x86) Windows for Client & Studio components and 64 Bit (x64) Linux/Windows for Client, Database & Studio components.

Later in the year RSP 2.4 for SAP Business One has come up with many new features and improvements over RSP 2.3 with which we had started this year.

Following are key highlights of the Remote Support Platform 2.4 for SAP Business One:

Enhancements around the log-on screen are –
  • Logon security enhancements
  • Connections to the agent service


Enhancements around configuration are –
  • An initialization wizard to guide you through necessary settings
  • Separate configuration forms for SAP channel and partner channel
  • Connection to partner environment and approval settings for partner-delivered tasks
  • More options for software updates
  • Remote management via the Remote Console
Enhancements around connection to the partner environment are –
  • Connection to partner’s WebDAV server
  • Accessing partner-delivered tasks
  • Uploading task results back to the partner
Enhancements around tasks and customized solutions are –
  • Enhanced task description
  • Task search bar
  • System Task Wizard enhancement
  • Customized solution for specific incidents
Apart from the above enhancements the user interface has been re-modeled to enhance user experience in the RSP.

Later on in the year we witnessed the preview program of the major release of 9.0 family of SAP Business One, which went on ramp on 20th Dec 2012. This new family of SAP Business One is coming up with lots of enhancements and new features, a few key highlights are as below.

  • Implementation will be more easy as the implementation tools are going to be available and fully integrated within SAP Business One itself.
  • Core functions have been enhanced by introducing Bin Location, improving Inventory Counting, and extending Multiple Units of Measures around inventory management.
  • Document flow has been improved by introducing Purchase Request and extending Marketing Dcoument  Cancellation.
  • Customizing options have been enhanced by improving Price List & Discounts and advancement of GL Account Determination.
  • SDK Development has been broadened by introducing SAP Business One’s own IDE, which can be used by the developers independently or within Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • Apart from the above – there are a number of improvements around EDI, Analytics, Fixed Assets add-on, and many more.


So overall the year 2013 will be a year of excitement for SAP Business One!



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