9 Mind-Blowing Reasons to Upgrade From B2C to B2B Store – Infographic

Worldwide B2B eCommerce is rising with the mindblowing shopping experience and also consumers are also adopting to seamless and scalable e-commerce. According to a Forrester survey, B2B buyer hunger for the digital Business system is increasing. More than 70% of B2B buyers find buying from a website more convenient than buying from a sales representative.

Expectations for powerful digital experiences create more competition and true challenges for manufacturers and distributors, so transforming your B2C store into a robust Digital B2B e-commerce is the only way to survive. B2B and B2C eCommerce have an important contrast that decision-makers must understand if they want to succeed. B2B eCommerce is all about the next level of business and  drives more revenue

Forrester states that over 74% of B2B customers do online research before purchasing; while over 90% start their business purchases with an online search. This is proof of the Fastly-growing scope of B2B e-commerce.Integrated-B2B-eCommerce-store-InSync

Here, in this infographics, we cover some most essential B2B features which help you to understand why you need to transform your B2C store to next level B2B eCommerce:


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Now, you can easily start your B2B Ecommerce Store to meet the expectations of a modern-day B2B buyer!Integrated-B2B-eCommerce-store-InSync


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