INSYNC Blog-a-thon 2021 – Annual Blog Contribution Day

We are in a generation where digital transformation is at its peak and companies all around the world are finding ways to improve their digital marketing reach. For B2B as well as B2C companies, it is highly essential to be able to produce such goods and services that bring them revenue and cater to the problems of the customers. However, there is something more important – the content that a company is providing its consumers. Content plays an important role in refining the customer journey and providing accurate and precise knowledge about any genre. And when it comes to content, it is a huge arena – from videos to articles, from podcasts to whitepapers, content has it all. However, the most important aspect of any company content is Blogs.

Blogging is considered to be one of the most efficient and highly useful organic forms of content marketing and achieving traffic. A blog gives out needful information to its users regarding the products and services of the company and helps in generating revenue, establishing and strengthening the brand image and building a trustworthy and credible existence towards its audience. Moreover, blogging helps each and every individual stay at par with their knowledge and practice by helping them document their experiences and share the needful with the global audience. In other words, it not only provides visibility to the company’s products and services (and the related information) but also helps in proper knowledge-sharing between employees, partners and customers. Known as one of the top-notch digital marketing strategies, blogging is by far one of the most crucial necessities of any business.


Keeping this in mind, INSYNC was glad to organize the fifth edition of its annual blogging session, the INSYNC Blog-a-thon 2021 in order to procure and understand the importance of content creation and blogging. The event was an internal event scheduled for the 19th of March 2021 with the aim to build a rich, varied and unique repository of blogs from the workforce.

INSYNC Blog-a-thon 2021

Publishing blogs related to your business acts as a major source of educating the audience of your offerings. This may not be a form of direct advertising but through embedding links in the content, one can provide a direct passage to the reader into the company’s website. Regular publishing of blogs lets the web spiders crawl to the fresh content provided by an organization and results in effective SEO for the company, thus, driving more traffic to the business’ website.


To nurture this, INSYNC has brought forward the idea of an individual, dedicated blog contribution day that invites all the employees of the workforce to contribute via the channel and build more integrity, unity and stability for the company as well as its products and services. INSYNC calls this contribution day Blog-a-thon and each of these events try to involve as many people as possible to contribute to this better cause. In this year’s edition of the event, all the participants were pre-assigned with topics related to integration, digital transformation, B2B scenarios, etc. and were mentored by the marketing/content team and leaders. From the freshers and apprentices to the VPs, all were invited to contribute their knowledge through the digital pen and paper on topics of their specialization, interest and knowledge. The main aim of this day is to make room for knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing, by and among the employees. It hopes to bring together all the employees on the same page and showcase their interests through their articles.




INSYNC Blog-a-thon 2021 was received with huge enthusiasm since its physical absence in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, more than 70 employees participated whole-heartedly in this event and brought forward some amazing content pieces to light. This dedicated annual event for blogging, thus, allows these knowledgeable employees to disseminate their knowledge and experience in the specific areas through their articles. Most importantly, a day like this brings acknowledgment to each employee’s most worthy presence in the organization. It makes every employee realize the gigantic role they play in the growth of the business and feel their towering importance as a part of the company. When each employee perceives itself as a brand ambassador, a business is bound to grow under positive lights and good vibes!


This year too, with this initiative, INSYNC received a number of deep, content-rich blogs was glad to have active participation and immense enthusiasm from all the team members. We hope to publish these soon and receive more such content in the future.

Happy Blogging!!!

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