Going Paperless at NASSCOM Product Conclave 2014

Insync's Business Cards

We are going paperless at Nasscom Product Conclave 2014 in Bangalore which has been planned to be a Paperless Conference with no brochures, standees or other paper-based marketing materials are allowed. Only business cards.

Taking the constraints into consideration, and strongly supporting the idea of going paperless, our team came up with the idea of an all in one Business Card. Yes, a visiting card that has almost everything you need to know about us and our product “Appseconnect”.

Have a look at it.

Insync's Business Cards

Team InSync is showcasing its product – “APPSeCONNECT” at the NPC 2014. APPSeCONNECT is a robust platform which integrates a wide range of ERP, eCommerce, Marketplace and CRM platforms.

To get the latest updates from the event and to know more about us, follow us on twitter at @InSyncIndia.


On Key

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