Create a WooCommerce B2B Store with B2BWoo

WooCommerce is one of the leading ecommerce plugin which converts a WordPress powered website into a complete ecommerce platform. Since WordPress is the most widely used CMS across the world, more and more crowd is moving towards WooCommerce to start and build their ecommerce business with WordPress. As per BuiltWith report, more than 3,317,205 ecommerce websites are created with WooCommerce and thus you can imagine the type of revenue from WooCommerce.

WooCommerce is mainly catered to B2C or Retail business. When it comes to B2B or Wholesale Business, it generally becomes very tough to avail the B2B features in WooCommerce. There are many plugins which can be used to get some of the features of B2B, but with the combination of lot of plugins and lack of APIs for those plugins, it becomes almost impossible to create a full fledged integrated B2B ecommerce store with WooCommerce.  Here is where B2BWoo comes into play.

By using only a single plugin B2BWoo by InSync, you will get all the B2B Ecommerce features like:

  • Company accounts,
  • Contact Persons for company accounts with custom roles
  • Custom product pricing per customer using Price list
  • Volume Discounts or Tier Pricing for customers (e.g Buy 3 at 10% or flat $100 discount)
  • Credit Limit or Pay on Account as additional payment feature
  • Data Integration between your B2B ecommerce and your ERP system

While these are only top level features, your will get many other features using B2BWoo.  Here are some of the screenshots from B2BWoo


Creating Companies & Credit Limit

B2B woocommerce company


Creating Contact Persons

B2B woocommerce contact person


Price Lists and Volume Discounts (Manual or CSV Upload)

B2B woocommerce price list and volume discount

Get started with your B2B Ecommerce Store today and streamline your business process!


On Key

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