Hackathon #2 at Insync

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford

A successful team is where all the team-members inspire each other to work better together towards a common vision and goals; and what’s better than working with such a team! Just to set a day or two apart from the monotonous daily schedule and to add some extra fun at work, we organize some in-house events including group testing drives, cool brainstorming sessions and hackathons. We had our last Hackathon in March 2014 and we were back with another.

On 19th and 20th September 2014, InSync organized a 36 hours coding and designing marathon, Hackathon. It was a power-packed event with excellent Team Efforts, Coordination, Deadlines, Food, Power-naps and what not…and yeah, we made it bigger than our last hackathon!

There were over 40 participants, divided over 12 teams. Each team had their own specific targets to complete within this 36 hours stretch. They came up with some innovative ideas to be implemented in our product, websites and social media.

The whole event was mentored by our CEO, Atul Gupta, our COO, Devendra Singh and and Technical Product Head, Samarendra Ghosh. The teams were marked on the amount of work completed, the accuracy of the projects and the extra effort.

We also made an awesome team video. Check it out!

The winning teams received prize money and all the team members received a very beautiful memento – A framed tile photo of their hackathon moments.Hackathon-2


On Key

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