Communicative Spanish Language Training Introduced in InSync


Hola, ¿qué tal?, “Hello, how are you?” Spanish language is the second largest spoken language in the world and has been the easiest foreign language to learn. In order to facilitate personal growth of the employees and to incorporate the language in day to day client communications, InSync took a step in introducing the language for the employees.

The course has been spread across four months and covers all the topics related to the day to day communications. The classes happen twice a week and is conducted by a famous language institute in Salt Lake Kolkata named Cucchiaio d´Argento. The following are the primary objectives of the course:

  • Provide an extra soft skill to the employees
  • Improve client communications
  • Incorporate future documentation of APPSeCONNECT in Spanish language
  • Get acquainted with the ethics and customs of the Spanish speaking countries, in order to serve them better

The team has successfully completed the Spanish course. We congratulate them and hope it will add value to their career and the organization.
Spanish class completion group

We hope to introduce many such corporate training for our employees and clients in the near future.


On Key

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