Your First Step To The Software Industry

Your First Step To The Software Industry

Software Industry is one of the fastest growing industries and has been generating innumerable job roles and career opportunities. In this presentation we help you understand the differences between a product company and service company, bring you comparisons between domain and technology and walk you through the plethora of opportunities for engineers in the software […]

Deciding Factors to Select Ecommerce for Enterprises Running on SAP


SAP Enterprise customers often need an E – commerce platform to reach out to their potential end customers. Given SAP’s wide range of features and possible configuration, consider these factors before choosing a suitable e-commerce platforms to efficiently handle business scenarios and integration framework.

Why get a Windows 8 eCommerce App for your Magento Store?

magento windows 8 app

We all know that the scale of Microsoft’s Windows is unparalleled. Windows 7 is the bestselling operating system of all times comprising of 500 million users around the globe and that accounts for 40% of all operating systems used globally. But now Windows 8 is out and with it begins a new era of Operating […]

APPSeCONNECT is now a completely new entity headquartered in the US! 🇺🇸