Shipment tracking is an essential part of Shipment process. It is a unique identifier through which Customers can track their shipment without any help or assistance. In eCommerce, it becomes more important as customers place their order from an Online Storefront based on virtual image & description of the product. They are always eager to receive their product as early as possible and curious about the Product Shipment.
Now, the challenges faced in complying with this business requirement are:
1) In a typical eBusiness model Shipment/Logistics comes after Order Processing which done through the back office ERP system. As a part of fulfilling the order cycle, the Delivery document is generated in the ERP system. But to notify the end-customer with updated order status, the shipment details are necessary to be synced back to the eCommerce portal as well as notifying the end customer.
2) In certain cases Partial shipment is done as a part of the Shipping process. Hence the end-customer also needs to be notified accurately about the partial shipment.
APPSeCONNECT, an integration platform connecting SAP B1 ERP with Magento Ecommerce, addressed this business requirement in the following way-
- Web Order syncs back from Magento to SAP B1
- The back office employees verify the order and initiate the Order Processing
- When the goods become ready to be shipped, the Delivery Document is generated in SAP B1 along with the Shipment tracking number and Carrier name.
- APPSeConnect then syncs the Delivery/Shipment details to the Magento eCommerce platform and the end-customer gets an automated email notifying about the Shipment details including the Shipment tracking number and carrier name.
- APPSeConnect syncs Partial Deliveries also, to the Magento eCommerce platform along with their respective Shipment tracking numbers and carrier names.
Know More about Magento eCommerce and ERP Integration