
No software product in this world is bug free. But how about a product which has the least number of bugs? APPSeCONNECT, the ERP to e-commerce/CRM/marketplace integration software, promises to be best integration software in the world after the Team’s Bug Bash event held from 26th-29th March 2016.

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The InSync Bug Bash 2016 was the first of its kind of event held to identify as many as bugs in the product APPSeCONNECT as possible and solve them in real time. You might be thinking why a special event is required for fixing bugs, which otherwise can be done in a normal process. The fact is that, when something is done through some occasion, using dedicated environment to reach the specified goal, it tends to be automatically successful.



The bugs were divided among High, Medium and Low category on the basis of priority and it was solved accordingly. All the experienced Developers and Quality Analysts were a part of our team followed by the company’s heads as the mentors. The sole purpose of this event was to get the clients up and running with the most stable version of the product APPSeCONNECT 3.0 and make it rock solid.


The team fixed around 89% of all the bugs that was reported by the testers, thus making the event successful for both the company and the customers. We promise to do more such events in the nearby future for quality improvement.
